A. Congress Program and Content

At the ICP 2025, distinguished speakers will share the latest developments in the field through plenary lectures, symposia, double conferences and debates. ICP 2025 also offers workshops, meet the expert sessions and courses which will be available for all participants.

All abstracts, brief reports and presentation material (Slideshows of Symposia and other sessions, Oral Research Presentations, e-Posters of Poster Research Presentations and Case Report Presentations) submitted to the congress should be prepared entirely in American English. However, presentations can be delivered in Turkish or English due to panelist’s preference because we provide simultaneous translation services in the first three halls. At the ICP 2025 poster research presentations and case report presentations will be presented on electronic poster (e-poster) displays only during e-poster sessions within the scientific program. No hard copy posters will be on display at the ICP 2025.

English is mandotary language for all presentation material displayed in the congress. Slideshows of plenary lectures, symposia, course, and other sessions must be be delivered to the technical team at least 3 hours before the presentation. (for in-person attendees)

Speech texts for sessions (Symposia, Plenary Lecture, Course, Workshop, Meet the Expert, Debate, Double Conference) should be uploaded via online abstract submission system until 21st March, 2025 Speech texts are prepared unstructured and have a limited word count of 500 words; adding references is optional.

We kindly provide you some examples of speech texts' of the past congresses through the link below: Example Link

The abstracts of oral/ e-poster research presentations must be consisted of 450-500 words, 5 or 6 keywords and structured as background and objective, methods, results, and conclusions. Abstracts of case report presentations also must be consisted of 450-500 words, 3 keywords and structured as introduction, case presentaion and conclusion.
All papers received for the 16th International Congress on Psychopharmacology & Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology / Psychotherapy are screened by the organizing committee according to predetermined objective criteria and scoring system. The evaluations are made blindly by the referees. If it is found scientifically sufficient as a result of the evaluations, it is accepted to be presented at the congress.
We kindly ask you to mark the scholarship, award and ethics committee questions carefully at the last stage of the paper upload process. In case of incorrect marking, the responsibility belongs to the owner of the paper and no scholarship or award application will be accepted after the submission of the paper is completed.
For each oral/ e-poster presentation, only the participant who was defined as the presenter in the online abstract submission system will make the presentation at the congress. Adding authors or presenter changes are not permitted after the abstract submission deadline.

“In case reports, written consent from the cases themselves and/or their guardians is required. If the name of the institution, permission number and date of the ethics committee permission are stated in the method part of the paper, and if it is stated that written consent was obtained from the subjects and/or their guardians in cases, a consent form is not required.”

“If the permission status is not specified in the text, you should send your consent form to elif.gogdas@burkon.com.”

Please click to submit an online abstract. TRACK YOUR SUBMISSION AWARDS
Important Note for the ICP 2025 Young Researcher Scholarship: The authors who will present oral or poster presentations should participate to the congress. The scholarship can not be transferred to another author of the abstract or another participant. Applicants for the scholarship must provide the document that shows a training, or a master/ doctorate status for the scholarship. The scholarship only covers the presenter of oral or poster presentations. Please see the “Awards and Scholarships” page for further details.

B. Types of Sessions to be Included in the Program Scope

1. Keynote Speech and Plenary Lectures
A keynote speech is given by a person of authority with credentials in a field to give a high level overview of his/her career or work. A plenary lecture is aimed to present a topic to an audience for learning purposes by senior lecturers. The speakers of these sessions will be selected by the moderators of relevant sessions and the organizing committee. No other abstract will be allowed in the sessions; however, in the exceptional case, please contact the organization’s secretariat at onur.oral@burkon.com*

2. Symposia Oral Presentations
Symposia oral presentations are proposed to the scientific committee by small groups of individuals consisting of at least 4 speakers and one or two discussant moderators. Total length of the session is 90 minutes and each presentation must be presented in maximum 20-minutes. The speakers are kindly requested to consider their limited time for remaining a minimum 10-minute discussion time at the end of the sessions.

Symposia oral presentations will be conducted as 3 parallel sessions and English to Turkish or Turkish to English simultaneous translation services will be provided in the main halls.*

3. Workshops
Workshops are usually interactive training where participants actively engage in activities rather then passively listening to a lecturer. Workshops are usually moderated by a lecturer or facilitiator.

4. Courses
One or two senior distinguished lecturers or facilitiators who specialized in a specific topic addresses to a relatively small audience for learning purposes.

5. Meet the Expert Sessions
We attach great importance to the leading scientists sharing their experiences and knowledge with the other researcher especially early career researcher in this session. An invited pioneer researcher selected by the scientific committee of congress shares his/her great experience in a interactive discussion platform. Even though we are aware of its significance to guide early career researcher in their further studies, this session is open to all participants.

6. Forums
The sessions will be held with a collaborations of international scientific associations in the field of psychopharmacology. It is aimed to focus a hit subjects of psychopharmacology, compare and synthesize the different approach to the same subjects. It has been thought that great informative discussions will be beneficial and so attractive for the interested participants.

7. Oral Research Presentation Sessions
The oral presentation sessions consisted of 8 minute presentations in a 90 minutes period. Each speaker should spend the maximum 8 minutes and 8 English prepared slides for his/her presentation and 2 minutes for discussions. *

8. e-Poster Research and Case Report Presentations
We would like to see the combination of your scientific work and your impressive presentation in the congress! The ICP 2025 Organizing Committee are happy to declare that poster presentations will be presented on electronic poster displays only, no hard copy posters will be on display in the ICP 2025. The presenters must be consider the certain main rules can be seen at the below:

• All e-posters must be prepared entirely in American English.
• Each abstract must be submitted via the ICP 2025 online submission system only.
• All e-posters will be displayed on large screens, with posters scrolling repeatedly.
• Each e-poster must have a top banner indicating the title of the abstract, the names of the authors and their affiliations.
• Please remind that the submitted abstract should not have been published, accepted for publication and/or presented prior to the beginning of the submission period of the congress.
• Please note that all accepted case reports will be presented as e-posters within the related sessions.
• Literature reviews and compilation reports will not be accepted unless they include a meta-analytic design.
• For each abstract, it is not possible to add or remove author, or change the author order after the submission deadline.
• If the accepted abstracts are not presented will not be published in the congress proceedings.
• We welcome an unlimited number of original studies to be submitted per presenter. But, each presenter is limited to a maximum number of two case reports to present at the congress.
• The format of the poster should be portrait style (vertical) in ppt, pptx, doc or docx format, with an aspect ratio of 9:16.
• Presenters who would like to nominate for the 16th International Congress of Psychopharmacology & International Child and Adolescent Symposium of Psychopharmacology / Psychotherapy Outstanding Research Awards are required to upload the Brief Report of their abstracts to the abstract submission system by the deadline which will be further announced.
• Make sure that you have added up to five references to your Outstanding Research Awards Brief Report and Symposia Oral Presentation texts (Invited Speech texts). Other types of submitted abstracts do not require to include references.


Symposia Oral Presentation Text Examples: 

Brief Report Examples: 

• The texts in e-posters should be written in an adequate font size to be legible from 1 m distance. It is recommended to use the Arial and font size 12 - 22.
• Tables and figures in the e-posters should have high quality for a good investigating.
• Your e-poster files should be sent to elif.gogdas@burkon.com by 21st March, 2025.
• For any technical support about e-poster, please contact yasin.ustun@burkon.com*

*: Abstracts must be written in American  English, consist of 450 to 500 words, and contain 5 to 6 keywords according to the rules of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology Journal.

C. Instructions for application for the 16th International Congress of Psychopharmacology & International Child and Adolescent Symposium of Psychopharmacology / Psychotherapy Outstanding Research Awards

General Instructions

• Abstracts should require novel primary data research in research field of psychopharmacology, neuroscience, adult psychiatry and child and adolescent psychiatry and should not be published previously.
• Please do not use the abbreviations and marked names of the special medications in abstracts.
• While common abbreviations can directly be used, for rare abbreviations, its expansion must be written in first sentence with the abbreviation in parenthesis.
• All psychiatric medications should be identified clearly.
• The research field of presentations must be specified under one of the related category.


Title Page: The abstract must be submitted under the most appropriate heading for the content. Author names, academic titles, institution addresses, and the corresponding author’s email address and cell phone number must be provided in the abstract.

Content: The authors should upload their oral/ poster research presentation abstract with 450-500 words within abstract submission period. Presenters who would like to nominate for the award are required to upload the Brief Report of their abstracts to the abstract submission system by the deadline which will be further announced. Brief Report format is maximum 1,500 words excluding title, authors and affiliation, and references. Each article begins with the title at the top, the authors below, and their affiliations under it which are stated with supercited numbers just next to each author. Abstract of brief report should not be included in the document. Brief reports should be structured (objective, methods, results, and discussion). Despite a maximum of 5 references is ideal, Brief Reports which refer only to the most valuable literature, have a greater focus on the methodology and results of the study rather than a review of the literature, and prepare it using as few references as possible are the main criteria for the evaluation.

– Objective: Tested hypothesis or analyzed/searched target of the research should be explained.

– Methods: The study participants, location, setting, instruments used, data collection, and statistical analysis should be explained.

– Results: All results and findings of the research should be explained clearly.

– Discussion: All the conclusions should be discussed with respect to their importance in relevant literature and possible implications should be explained clearly.

• The abstracts must be submitted in American  English.
• The abstract text should be checked by the corresponding author to eliminate typos and spelling mistakes.

• The institutions of the authors must be correctly filled during the submission.
• The presenter name of the abstract should be underlined in submission process.

• 5-6 keywords from Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) that are controlled by National Library of Medicine (NLM) and used for article indexing of PubMed should be added.

• Up to 10 references should be added. Within the text consecutive numbers can be referred between brackets; [1], [2] ve [3]. Please check the reference style of the Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology.

References can be stated as in the example below:

Kose S, Celikel FC, Akin E, Kaya C, Camurcu B, Etikan I, Cloninger CR. Normative Data and Factorial Structure of the Turkish Version of the Junior Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised (J TCI-R). Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 2017;27(1): 6-13

Evaluation Criteria of Review Processes for the ICP 2025 Outstanding Research Awards
1. Is the research objective clear and explicit ?
2. Are the methods and study design appropriate for the research objectives ?
3. Are the results clearly presented ?
4. Are the conclusions supported by the results ?
5. How is the genuineness of the study and contributions to the literature.
6. How is the clinical practicability of the study ?
7. Quality of content and delivery ?
8. Quality of language and formatting ?
9. Compliance the rules of 1000-1500 words and 5 to 6 references with NLM format ?

Oral and poster research presentation abstracts, case report presentation abstracts and symposia oral presentation abstracts will be included in the congress proceedings.